Clay projects for kids in grade six and beyond.
These projects are tailored for older students and their curriculum. All these projects are made with non fired school clay, dried in the air, then painted with acrylic paint and sealer. Download templates for masks here. bear mask template bison mask template You require 
A fairly simple mask to make. Download a template to assist.
A fairly simple mask to make. Download a template to assist.
Canadian wildlife
A fun pinchpot project.
A fun pinchpot project
A fun pinchpot Bigmouth Beaver. This project is on video!
An elaborate Chinese Dragon with a pinch pot head.
A bison mask. Download a template to assist in getting the right face shape.
This project is on video!
For studies of ancient Greece this bust on a pedestal serves as a supplement to the curriculum.
A colourful art project.
A large dragon with a pinch pot head.
A bald Eagle for Canadian animal studies.
This project is on video. A Big Mouth pinchpot Frog.
Comedy and Tragedy masks.
Theatre Mask
Combination pots in Grecian Urn style.
A combination pot (pinch and coil) in Grecian urn style.
A pinch pot monkey.
Faces on coil pots.
Canadian wildlife.
Arctic region animals, a polar bear family.
Canadian wildlife.